Understanding the proper caliber and corresponding cartridge specifications is crucial when selecting ammunition for your shotgun. Ensuring the chambered round cycles smoothly through the chamber is a fundamental safety consideration. Choosing the appropriate choke constriction can optimize pattern density and effectiveness when shooting clays or hunting game.

On the clay target course, coaches provide valuable guidance to help students develop proper form and technique. Some shooters prefer compact shotgun models for their portable, lightweight designs. Maintaining properly concentric ammunition is important, as inconsistencies can degrade performance and accuracy.

For those experiencing cross-dominance between their hand and eye orientation, adopting a crossover shooting stance may offer a more natural point of aim. The cruiser style shooting vest provides ample storage for ammunition and accessories. When shotguns are not in use, ensuring the chamber is clear and the action is uncocked promotes safe handling practices.

From selecting the right cylindrical choke tube to mastering a consistent mounting cadence, each component and technique in shotgun shooting contributes to the overall level of success. Whether targeting clays, upland game birds, or waterfowl, understanding and applying these core concepts is fundamental for responsible and proficient shooters.

  1. Caliber
  2. Cartridge
  3. Chamber
  4. Choke
  5. Clays
  6. Coach
  7. Compact
  8. Concentric
  9. Cross-Dominance
  10. Cross-Over (shooting stance)
  11. Cruiser (shooting vest style)
  12. Cylinder (choke)
  13. Cock (hammer)
  14. Caddy (cart for gear)
  15. Camouflage
  16. Canister (shot container)
  17. Cant (angled grip)
  18. Carry (mode)
  19. Case (shotshell body)
  20. Cast (firing)
  21. Catch (box/pouch)
  22. Centerfire
  23. Centrefire (British spelling)
  24. Comb (stock top)
  25. Compensator (recoil reducer)
  26. Concealment
  27. Constriction (choke)
  28. Continuation (swing)
  29. Contour (stock shape)
  30. Crimp (shotshell closure)
  31. Crimson (sight color)
  32. Crop (barrel shortening)
  33. Crosshair (sight style)
  34. Crow’s Foot (splitting pattern)
  35. Crush (wad setback)
  36. Cycle (action operation)